You can also configure this path by editing the local.properties file in your project. If you are building with compileSdkVersion 21 or later, you should use JDK 7 or JDK 8 here. This will be used to get a compiler to compile your code with. The problem is I can't find the Android SDK on my machine! I assume it's there because otherwise the program wouldn't compile and run through Android Studio? Perhaps that's a bad assumption? I'm new to Macs (I'm used to Windows) so I don't know the best way to search for the Android SDK. You can configure the JDK used for compiling your code in the Project Structure Dialog. let's see how to install NDK for Linux, Windows 10, and Mac OS X. Make sure the Android SDK platform-tools/ directory is included in your PATH environment variable, then execute: Although the history of Android dates back to 2003, by the time the SDK was. To delete any remains of Android Studio setting files, in File Explorer, go to your user folder ( USERPROFILE ), and delete. When i upgraded i just moved my SDK to my user folder C:UsersNickAndroid-SDK and updated my path in Android Studio. The first step is to run the uninstaller. All I want to do now is be able to build the app and install it on device from the command line as opposed to Android Studio. Step 1: Run the Android Studio uninstaller. I have installed Android Studio on my MacBook Air (OS Version 10.11 El Capitan) and have successfully written a small "hello, world" app and installed on device (Nexus 7) and ran on AVD.